InRead or Die!byKa FalconThe Everyday Signs We Miss When We are Stuck in Tunnel VisionA Johnny Cash sign caught my eye and led me to his cherished childhood homeMay 27, 20242May 27, 20242
InSNAPSHOTSbyKa FalconNew Mexico’s Santa Fe Took My Breath AwayHot holy faith of historical culture and beautyMay 28, 20249May 28, 20249
Ka FalconFlat Tire, Rising Fear, and Encroaching Alligators in the Florida EvergladesAn emotional roller coaster in the swamp was not the tourist attraction I was looking for.Dec 5, 20241Dec 5, 20241
Ka Falcon5 Must-Haves While Living as a NomadTraveling America and living on the road full-time is easier than you may think.Dec 6, 20241Dec 6, 20241
Ka FalconLocked in an ARMY Corps of Engineers Site and No One Knew I Was ThereTriple-check signage is the lesson for the ages.Dec 7, 2024Dec 7, 2024
Ka FalconTraveling through Florida’s Everglades National Park, a Deadly Venomous Snake Needed My HelpI backtracked and veered a truck off its tracks to save the snake.Dec 20, 2024Dec 20, 2024
InSNAPSHOTSbyKa FalconWho Invited You to Hang in Our Hammock and Stare at our Savory Dead, Feathery Feast?Barred Owl pair, with giant eyes and mouthful of dangling death.Dec 22, 20243Dec 22, 20243
InSNAPSHOTSbyKa FalconThere are Telltale Differences Between Saltwater Crocodile and American AlligatorAnd yet, they both have their deadly smileDec 23, 2024Dec 23, 2024
Ka FalconMerry Hot Holiday Season from South FloridaBeachcombing Lovers Key State ParkDec 25, 2024Dec 25, 2024
InWriters’ BlokkebyKa FalconRiver Otters, Alligators, Water Foul and more Critters are Waiting to See You in Southwest FloridaVisit Six-Mile Cypress Slough Preserve, but sorry, no dogs allowedMay 22, 20241May 22, 20241
Ka FalconMay May Writings Inspire Vivid VacationsA short story of an indefinite vacation of sortsMay 21, 2024May 21, 2024
InRead or Die!byKa FalconWhere is Home When Your Heart is Still Searching for its Foundation?Leaving the past behind and chasing an ever-elusive future feeling of homeMay 16, 20244May 16, 20244
Ka Falcon5 Reasons Why I Left Las Vegas to Live Full-Time as a NomadAnd 5 practical tips to consider if you want to launch a nomadic journeyApr 15, 20241Apr 15, 20241
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyKa FalconThe Alligator Told Me It’s About TimeTrauma shattered me wide open, and now my energy body is receiving more intenselyApr 18, 20244Apr 18, 20244
Ka FalconMark Twain Touched Me, Write on the HannibalSurprising story writes itself of a time at the childhood home of the greatApr 25, 20242Apr 25, 20242
Ka Falcon3 Must-See Regions of Arizona for Camping and Nomadic LivingSouth, North, and some salty wild horses in betweenApr 30, 2024Apr 30, 2024
InThe HavenbyKa FalconThe Ginger Cat Gangs of GeorgiaA cat tale of litters and litterbugs based on true encounters.May 7, 20243May 7, 20243
Ka FalconIt Happened Last Night at a Crowded Coastal GatheringThat awkward moment when you’re face to face with them and your obvious lieMay 11, 20241May 11, 20241