Ka FalconSigns and Synchronicity Showing You’re on TrackKeep up the momentum. You’re doing better than you think.Dec 11, 2024272Dec 11, 2024272
Ka FalconYour Employment Feels Like an Apex Predator Holding You in its Grip— Break FreeStep into your freedom and break away from that j.o.b.Dec 14, 202469Dec 14, 202469
Ka FalconAutism Awareness, Signs and Symptoms of Undiagnosed. You might be on the SpectrumUnderstanding causes of symptoms helps to move forward with progress.Dec 16, 2024553Dec 16, 2024553
Ka FalconHow Can We Harness the Power of Quantum Physics in our Daily Lives?What seems like freaky woo woo is part of our reality, waiting for you.Dec 17, 2024Dec 17, 2024
Ka FalconThe Bear Told Me He Has My Back, and He has been With Me All AlongDiscovering your spirit animal can be empowering.Dec 20, 20241Dec 20, 20241
Ka FalconTraveling through Florida’s Everglades National Park, a Deadly Venomous Snake Needed My HelpI backtracked and veered a truck off its tracks to save the snake.Dec 20, 20241Dec 20, 20241
Ka FalconA Surprising Mindshift and Attitude AdjustmentCreating a Publication Shifted the Way I Approach WritingJul 31, 20213065Jul 31, 20213065
Ka FalconWhat’s in a Name Speaks Volumes into ExistenceWhy I changed my name and what it means for my past, present and futureApr 26, 20241001Apr 26, 20241001
Ka FalconOn Suicide and Never Giving UpStay for the others whom you’ve never met and you have no idea how you are helping by just being yourself and existingMay 17, 202481May 17, 202481
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Ka Falcon5 Reasons Why I Left Las Vegas to Live Full-Time as a NomadAnd 5 practical tips to consider if you want to launch a nomadic journeyApr 15, 20241051Apr 15, 20241051
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyKa FalconThe Christmas Cat Painting in the ClosetSentimental art piece is discarded; perfect metaphor for dismissing this heartApr 20, 20242023Apr 20, 20242023
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyKa FalconThe Alligator Told Me It’s About TimeTrauma shattered me wide open, and now my energy body is receiving more intenselyApr 18, 20242264Apr 18, 20242264
Ka FalconCheers to Day One of New BeginningsSetting the stage and scripting my life for the years aheadJan 2, 20223073Jan 2, 20223073
Ka FalconThe Future is Uncertain and PrecariousI am trying to stay positive but it is hard to focus on anything good through all the muck.Sep 16, 20212242Sep 16, 20212242
Ka FalconEarth, Wind and Fire: States of BeingMourning Death and Celebrating Continuation of LifeAug 23, 20212244Aug 23, 20212244
Ka FalconWhen Working Best Under Pressure Doesn’t Produce the Best WorkTime Is Running Out to Enter the Medium Writers ChallengeAug 20, 20212392Aug 20, 20212392