Ka Falcon
Jun 27, 2021


Deep inhale, hold, quick release. Iiiiiin-hold-out. Wakies

Quick inhale, hold, slow release. Ouuut-hold-quick’in. Calmies

I LOVE breathwork!

INhale emphasis-stimulating the phrenic nerve, INcreases heart rate. EXhale emphasis-relaxing the phrenic nerve, DEcreases heart rate.

Regarding blog posts being book chapters, I am very interested — yours is the third writeup I’ve seen mention this.

I have one concern though and maybe you have the answer. If we’re publishing ebooks based on our posts, how to we address copyright of our own creations published online and/or what do we do (or ignore) about canonical links?




Ka Falcon

FT Nomad traveling America | Former Las Vegas Cabbie | Hobby Photographer, Storyteller